1. Preface

For a systems admin, a lot of systems might be installed and naged by his/her team. However, these services and servers happen to be the main important

  • Mail
  • Institutional Main website
  • Institutional user directory
  • Financial systems
  • DNS (Though might be using an external DNS)
  • DHCP server (Though might use the dhcp functionality in their border router)
  • Wifi controller
  • Physical servers where most of the above are virtualised

Most of the above might be hosted by an external service provider but they should still be taken into consideration as the admin is growing his/her known in system administration.

Most of the documentations might relate back to these points mentioned above. Securing your systems should be a primary concern to any sysadmin and should therefore be a strong concern right from the start. a seprate ection will be dedicated to security

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