1. Domain Name System

The NS systems basically resolves the human readable name www.renu.ac.ug to an IP address

IP Address: n IP address is basically an address of an it device. This is usually assigned to a network interface or subinterface of a machine. Currently 2 versions of IP addresses exist (Read more about this in ay networks course)

nywas, machine find each other by getting to know the IP address of the other machine. They then send packets from one machine to another. A lot happen but what matters here is that the machines do not usually know or need to know the domain ame of the machines they want to talk to. They just simpley care about the addresses.

Humans on the other hand can also remember some IP address but its hard to remember multiple IP addressesand the services they corespond to. We can however easily remember the names of the services we want to access. It is easier to remember radius.renu.ac.ug than it is tpo remember

Thats where DNS comes in, it is meant to help people keep remembering what they can, and then it converts it to the language the machines understand

Ifhe above made total sense, then you have basically covered around 60% of DNS theory. The rest is just the background, how domains are assigned and where to get yours registered, the 13 root servers and where they are, and also the two main types of DNS i.e Authoritative and Caching Nameserver

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