
Integrating BigBlueButton with Moodle

In order to improve online learning, educator and learners collaboration, moodle.

Adding Logos in Zimbra

In Zimbra, there are two different images to re-brand: one is the image that.

Resizing disk size for a Ganeti instance

This process entails two stages: a) Adding Disk space to a Ganeti instance Stop.

Migrating from Zimbra to Zimbra (ZCS to ZCS)

There can be a number of reasons for migrating from one mail server to another.

Intel Reports

Accessible RDP This report identifies hosts that have Remote Desktop (RDP).

Migrating Cacti from one server to another

You may need to migrate cacti from one server to another due to one reason or.

Configuration of Radsecproxy with f-ticks

Download package radsecproxy and nettle library from internet. Extract these tar.

Sectigo SSL Certificates

The administrators at RENU will create you an account for access to.